This workshop teaches how to increase interpersonal skills using the very powerful Color Code theory. The Color Code Personality Assessment is unique for several reasons. First, it goes deeper than mere personality–it identifies Motive–why you do what you do. Secondly, the Color Code is easy to use and implement. Rather than having to memorize a string of letters or numbers like some assessments, the Color Code uses colors to represent Driving Core Motives. The comment we hear most frequently is how easy the Color Code is to put into practice.
85% of all job loss in a healthy economy is due to relationship problems at work rather than job performance.
The cost of rehiring an employee knowledge worker is $70,000, including hiring, training and lost productivity.
More and more, people believe EI (emotional intelligence) is more important than IQ.
40% of first marriages and 67% of second marriages will end in divorce
Understand the four core personality types
Discover how to motivate others
Read people easily and accurately
Identify strategies for communicating more effectively
Improve your relationships with others
Enhance your business performance
Workshop participants develop increased levels of self-awareness (the #1 key element for developing emotional intelligence skills); learn how to effectively understand and work with team members; improve communication skills; and are better prepared to create successful professional relationships.
"Thank you so much for your Color Code presentation. The post seminar evaluations confirmed not only the need for identifying communication differences, but the high degree of interests to the participants. Your presentation received excellent ratings. You can be assured your lecture was stimulating and provided not only a "take home" message, but valuable techniques as well."
Nancy Helton
Program Chairman,
Mobile Infirmary Medical Center
"Your keynote address to our conference participants was extremely effective! Setting the stage in such a 'colorful' way for the discussions of redesigning the work of health care was a perfect balance to strike. Everyone appreciated your message, and the manner in which it was delivered. I hope the rave reviews of all involved communicate the fact that you played a major role in this hugely successful conference. Thank you."
Jayne A. Felgen
Senior Vice President
E.C. Murphy, Ltd.
"The Color Code was very helpful in helping our staff better understand not only themselves and their co-workers, but also our patients. It helped clear up some of the individual conflicts that can interfere with effective work efforts from the staff."
Mary Jean Cuaycong, M.D.
Premiere Eye Clinic
Color Code Workshop
This workshop teaches how to increase interpersonal skills using the very powerful Color Code theory. The comment we hear most frequently is how easy the Color Code is to put into practice.